Harvest Service

Harvest service this year is being held on Oct 27th.at 9.30 am (don't forget the clocks go back so it will feel like 10.30!)

Another opportunity to express your community spirit and celebrate the food we eat and the farmers who provide it. If anyone can spare some food items for donation, it would be much appreciated. Following the service the donations will be distributed the same as last year (the Severn Hospice and the food bank).


Donations can be in the form of tins, packets and fresh fruit/vegetables. These can be left on either my porch (Orchard cottage, next to church farm) or the church porch on Saturday morning

Message from Ellerdine Messy Church

Just to let you know of a few things in October including messy church

All Hallow's Rowton Church Harvest Supper

Saturday 12th October is All Hallow's Rowton Church Harvest Supper in Ellerdine village hall, 7pm for 7.30pm tickets are £12 adult, £8 for children under 12 years - you will need to book so please contact Eileen asap if you want to go (01952 541452) or Karen (01952 770778)

Messy Church

Then on Sunday 20th October its Messy Church 9.30am in Ellerdine Village Hall

Board Game Cafe

And on Tuesday 29th October we are holding a Board Game Cafe from 9.30am - 1pm with games for children and adults of all ages, lovely refreshments and if for those who would like to stay there will be a soup lunch available.

Contact the Council
If you have a matter which you wish to draw to the council's attention you can do so by contacting the clerk by letter, telephone or email using the Contact Form or Send Email to the Parish Clerk
Next Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 18th Mar, 2025 at 12:00 am

This meeting will be held at
High Ercall Village Hall

Members of the public are welcome to attend; please see the agenda for more details.