Whilst the work of the Parish Council is governed by its Standing Orders, it is also regulated by its Financial Regulations.
Here are the Financial Regulations.
Ercall Magna Parish Council has a Finance & Governance Committee. The chairman is Councillor Louise Hughes and the Vice Chairman is Councillor Sandie Noyes-Thomas.
Here are the Terms of Reference for the Committee.
The Parish Council publishes all expenditure over £100 as part of the Transparency Code
The Parish Council Financial Matters are subject to Annual Audit.
However, there is a three-tier process of financial controls.
The day-today financial management is the responsibility of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) who is also the Clerk to the Council (Katrina Baker MBE CiLCA). Members of the Council undertaken internal controls throughout the year. The services of an independent Internal Auditor are contracted and the Annual Return is undertaken by the External Auditors, PKF Littlejohn LLP.
Ercall Magna Parish Council includes, in its budget, funding for local groups and organisations. The Parish Councillors invite applications, in accordance with the policy, and consider these at a meeting to determine if they are able to assist and how much can be available.
Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 enables a Parish Council to contribute to a local group or organisation which benefits the local residents. Grants cannot be made to individuals and the group must have its own bank account.
A copy of the current policy and application form is available here:
Grant Application Form
Grant Policy
The End of Year Accounts comprise a number of documents:
Budget Documents |
Budget for 2024-25 |
Budget for 2023-24 |
Budget for 2022-23 |
Budget for 2021-22 |
Documents for 2025/26 |